ACE Phase 2

Recording the past

Professor Hall and Dr Holmes-Henderson are most grateful to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) whose funding enabled the ACE project to achieve so much for Classical Civilisation and Ancient History (CC/AH) in schools and colleges from May 2017 to February 2019. The AHRC grant period has just expired but, thanks to donors and supporters, the project will continue for at least another two years.

Fostering the future

Funding to secure the future of Advocating Classics Education has been provided by a private donor in partnership with King’s College London Department of Classics and the Classical Association. Professor Hall and Dr Holmes-Henderson will continue their current roles as the project’s Leadership Fellow and Research Fellow respectively. The project will continue to be based at King’s College London, in the Department of Classics, and all our university partners [link to partners page] bar one will extend and enrich their collaboration with us (and their local/regional educational institutions) into the next phase.


In this next phase, we aim to achieve a number of strategic goals. We will work hard to raise the profile, currency and status of CC/AH through public engagement channels, media and policy influence in the four nations.

We have been contacted by a range of organisations and individuals since the project’s inception who have expressed interest in collaborating with us. In the next phase, we plan to explore whether we can reach more teachers and learners by working with a greater number (and type) of partners.

We will run a free subject knowledge enhancement summer school for teachers at King’s College London this summer (22nd-26th July) and will make videos from all the lectures freely accessible on our website afterwards. We will also continue to develop and host additional resources to help teachers deliver CC/AH qualifications at all levels.

Our research for ‘Why study CC/AH at school?’ book is progressing and we will of course be busy writing this over the next twelve months.

We plan to travel to our fifteen university partners and maintain our busy schedule of school and college visits. ACE has already brought Classics education to thousands of young people and their teachers – we are no less ambitious for phase two.

This provides just a small sample of the activities we plan to undertake – there are too many to list here!


Our re-scheduled ACE event at the Open University takes place on 1st April (1-4pm) and will be live-streamed. It promises to be a fun-filled afternoon with talks on Greek drama, votives and Aristotle. It’s possible for teachers and pupils in schools around the country (and world) to join for some, or all, of the afternoon but you need to register in advance. There will be plenty of opportunity for audience interaction via the Student Hub Live and social media. For more details, see the event page.

Open University poster


Our website remains the central hub for the project. We have recently added eight videos by King’s College London academics to support the learning and teaching of Classical Civilisation (PDF). Teachers and students, please watch them and tell us what you think!

We are thrilled to be continuing this important and exciting work for Classics education nationally. If you have any requests, suggestions or ideas you’d like to share with us, please email us at