Understanding Power: Free Classics and Politics Workshops for Schools

The Politics Project

By Harriet Andrews, the Politics Project

This thematic version of Digital Surgeries is a collaboration between the University of Exeter and The Politics Project and supports students to learn about ancient themes of power, privilege and dialogue through workshops that challenge young people to think deeply and differently.

The programme supports young people to expand their critical thinking skills and understand debate and dialogue, looking at ideas that run from ancient Athens to Trump’s America and support young people to navigate difficult conversations with people in power.

Donald Trump

The workshops are centred around the theme of “power” and include a series of interactive games, including an online choose-your-own-adventure game in which young people will have to choose how to navigate difficult decisions made by competing powers in Ancient Greece. Students will be supported to conduct a “power analysis” to understand their relationships with modern politicians and will prepare tactics to get the most of a conversation. The programme will end with a Digital Surgery, in which students can discuss issues that matter to them with a local politician over a video call and can put their ideas into action. In the past, these have included Mayor Andy Burnham, Kier Starmer MP, Nicky Morgan MP and Caroline Lucas MP.

In total, the programme includes four hours of work, three hours of workshops followed by one-hour Digital Surgery. The workshops are designed for KS4 – KS5 students.

The programme is ideal for students interested in Politics and/or Classics. Resources and training are provided by The Politics Project and the University of Exeter and there is no cost to take part.

If schools are interested please book a quick 15 minute call with us here and we can get you signed up.

We are delighted to promote this free opportunity to ACE teachers and students. Professor Neville Morley at the University of Exeter is a strong supporter of Classical Civilisation and Ancient History in schools.