Resources for Classical Civilisation and Ancient History

Chiron Achilles

By Peter Swallow, Website Manager for ACE

ACE recently put out a call for resources on a range of Class Civ and Ancient History topics which teachers had told us they wanted support with.


We’ve had a really positive response, and while not every topic has been covered, we’re delighted to share some useful content below. Many of these were pulled from the Classics Library, so huge thanks to that entire community for its ongoing support of Classics teaching, as well as @NCCHistory.

There’s still time to reach out with more resources if you have them; just email

I’ve just moved into school teaching myself after completing my PhD at King’s. So I know how important it is to pool resources, share best practice and support each other as we work to expand Classical subjects in schools across the country. In the wider school environment, Classical subjects can sometimes be overlooked as less important than the ‘core’ subjects. But as Classics teachers, we know the huge benefits a Classical education gives students; for skills acquisition, for future prospects, and also for their own well-being and engagement. This is particularly true of Classical Civilisation and Ancient History, with their wide-ranging syllabuses.

I’m therefore proud to be a newly-minted school teacher, and proud to be continuing my work with ACE to ensure that every child gets the opportunity of a Classical education.

Click the files below to explore the resources we’ve packaged: