Our Shared Human Past: Outreach at Nottingham

Shared human past

The University of Nottingham, an ACE Partner, is offering a new suite of outreach lectures for schools delivered by leading academics from the Department of Classics and Archaeology. Designed to be fully flexible, they can be delivered online or in-person, depending on individual circumstances. Duration and content will be adapted for each school.

There is an incredible range of topics on offer, many of which are directly applicable to GCSE and A-Level syllabuses. Lectures offered include the Greeks and Persians, ancient epic, and sex and sexuality in the ancient world. There are also talks on Classics in employment, and studying the ancient world at university.

In addition, Nottingham colleagues are offering a range of lectures designed to broaden students’ appreciation of the ancient world beyond the syllabus. Why not learn about bears in ancient Britain? How about the ancient world in popular culture? In all, there are over 50 topics to choose from.

Details and information on how to book are available here (PDF).

University of Nottingham