The University of Manchester Joins as ACE Partner

University of Manchester

‘Since our project’s beginnings in 2017, we have worked closely with schools and sixth-form colleges in Manchester and surrounding areas but have not, until now, had an official partner in Manchester. We are thrilled that Dr Andrew Fear and Dr Nicky Nielsen at the University of Manchester will become ACE advocates. They will complement the excellent work being done across the north of England by our partners at the University of Leeds and by our advisory board member Peter Wright, teacher of Ancient History at Blackpool Sixth Form College’ – Prof Edith Hall and Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson

‘The University of Manchester is delighted to become a partner in the Advocating Classics Education project. Our city has a long tradition of outreach education which we are happy to be part of. We aim to spread enthusiasm for all aspects of the Classics, literary, linguistic, and historical, and give those who have never had a chance to think about these important foundations of our society a chance to do so, and how the classical world still helps form the way we think and act today. We are about to launch a series of short “revision” videos, focussing on key topics in the Classical Civilisation curriculum. We will be expanding these as time goes on, as well as adding more general videos to our repertoire. When things get back to ‘normal’, we are also keen to visit local schools at all levels to speak about classics in general, or talk on specific topics. Early in 2021 we will be holding an “Augustus Day” to look in depth at the life and legacy of the emperor. This will hopefully be based on the campus at the University of Manchester and also be live-streamed for those who cannot make the journey to the university. We hope to hold more such events in future. For more details, please contact either Dr Nicky Nielsen or myself, Dr Andrew Fear, Lecturer in Classics, University of Manchester

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Outreach at Manchester - Hadrian's Wall

Outreach at Manchester – At Hadrian’s Wall

Outreach at Manchester

Outreach at Manchester – A Public Event

University of Manchester