ACE Phase 3: Improving Access to Classical Studies in Museums and Schools


We have secured AHRC Follow-on Funding for phase three of the ACE project. In this phase, Dr Holmes-Henderson will act as Principal Investigator and will lead a team of academics, museum curators, outreach co-ordinators and exams professionals on the project ‘Improving access to Classical Studies in museums and schools’. Our new partners include OCR exam board, the Liverpool World Museum and the Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology. We will develop:

  1. new teaching and learning resources for the A Level Classical Civilisation (PDF) Greek theatre component
  2. a project which uses Classical bodies to explore body positivity with teenage audiences
  3. gallery guides for students/teachers who want to locate prescribed objects in the British Museum
  4. Classics advocacy and training events in connection with the forthcoming Greece and Rome exhibition in Liverpool.

To keep up to date with our progress, please follow us on Twitter: @classcivanchist.

OCR Liverpool World Museum Cambridge Museums