Classical Civilisation Textbook Grants

Gilbert Murray

The Gilbert Murray Trust has £1000 to distribute, in grants of at least £100 each, to assist with the purchase of textbooks for the teaching of Classical Civilisation, at GCSE, A-level and equivalents, in non-fee-paying schools in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Applications are invited by 15 October 2021. They should be made by email to the Secretary of the Gilbert Murray Trust Classics Committee, Professor Michael Trapp. Successful applicants from 2020/21 may reapply, but priority will be given to new applicants.

There is no set application form, but applications should include a note of:

  • the number of pupils engaged in the study of Classical Civilisation in the school applying, and at what level
  • the current level of textbook provision in the subject at the school
  • the budget available for the purchase of teaching materials for the subject for the academic year 2021-2

Applications will be considered and awards determined by the GMT Classics Committee; it is hoped that it will be possible to notify successful applicants by early November.

Teachers of Ancient History are also encouraged to apply.