
Celebrating Classics in Belfast

Celebrating Classics in Belfast
By Dr. Arlene Holmes-Henderson
On Friday 9th February 2018, Legion XX pitched camp at the Ulster Museum where a whole day of activities was planned for young people aged 6-18. The day started very early (8am!) when BBC…

Battle Strategy and the Great Roman Bake-Off in Exeter

Battle Strategy
By Dr. Arlene Holmes-Henderson
On Saturday 3rd February, our partners at the University of Exeter hosted a whole day of Classical activities. Some participants had travelled from 80 miles away and had taken two busses and a train in order to attend.…

Walking in the Footsteps of the Romans in Bath

Walking in the footsteps of the Romans in Bath
By Dr. Arlene Holmes-Henderson
On Monday 29th January 2018, our Bristol partners hosted their ACE event in the Roman Baths at Bath. They invited…