
Classical Civilisation Textbook Grants

Gilbert Murray

The Gilbert Murray Trust has £1000 to distribute, in grants of at least £100 each, to assist with the purchase of textbooks for the teaching of Classical Civilisation, at GCSE, A-level and equivalents, in non-fee-paying schools in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Inclusive Classics Initiative: ‘Towards a More Inclusive Classics II’

Inclusive Classics

By Jenny Messenger, Arlene Holmes-Henderson, Barbara Goff and Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis

In July 2021, two of our ACE partner universities co-hosted the Inclusive Classics Initiative. Professor Barbara Goff (University of Reading) and Dr Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis (University…

ACE Phase 3: Filming at the Liverpool World Museum

Chrissy presenting

By Dr Peter Swallow

With follow-on funding from AHRC, phase 3 of the ACE project is well under way. We are busily working with our project partners across the UK to improve…