
Attic Inscriptions Online: Open-Access Translations of Greek Inscriptions and a CPD Event


Dr Peter Liddel, University of Manchester

Hundreds of thousands of inscriptions on stone survive from the ancient Greek world and some 20,000 from Athens alone. They include simple labels and name-tags, public and private monuments to the dead, dedications, and official documents of varying…

ACE the Movie

ACE Film poster

We are delighted to be able to launch our short film on the Advocating Classics Education project, produced in collaboration with Big Face Art. The film highlights our campaign to expand access to the study of the ancient world, and features young people describing their own experiences of studying Classics.


ACE Phase 3: Improving Access to Classical Studies in Museums and Schools


We have secured AHRC Follow-on Funding for phase three of the ACE project. In this phase, Dr Holmes-Henderson will act as Principal…