
Introducing Classical Studies in a Scottish Secondary School

Classical Studies Scottish Secondary School

By George Connor, Monifieth High School

Classical Studies is available via the Scottish Qualifications Authority at all levels from National 3 to Advanced Higher. For most…

From Competing in the Modern Olympics to Teaching about the Ancient Olympics

Modern Olympics

A journey to Classics teaching by Jack Oliver

After a fifteen year weightlifting career, I needed a change. I loved my time in weightlifting. I was able to travel the world, compete at the London Olympic Games in 2012 and win a Commonwealth silver medal. However,…

The University of Manchester Joins as ACE Partner

University of Manchester

‘Since our project’s beginnings in 2017, we have worked closely with schools and sixth-form colleges in Manchester and surrounding areas but have not, until now, had an official partner in Manchester. We are thrilled that Dr Andrew Fear and Dr Nicky Nielsen at the University of Manchester will…